Driver Keeps Her Cool As She PITs Motorist Who Cut Her Off

Accidents and crashes happen all over the place, but the one in this story is rare for at least two reasons. . First, it’s almost like one driver decided to showcase their expert PIT maneuver skills out of the blue. Second, despite the chaos unfolding before her, that same driver manages to maintain the coolness of a cucumber, adding an extra layer of “coolness” to the whole situation.

The video appears to come from Texas based on the license plate of the SUV that is about to get spun out and the sticker on the window of the driver’s car. If there’s one thing that comes to mind when we think of Texas it’s that “everything is bigger” there. Perhaps that’s true of the egos of people too.

That could be the reason that this accident happened at all. The dashcam begins with the camera car and its driver traveling in lane one. A Chevrolet Suburban overtakes in lane two and begins to move into lane one. The dashcam car driver doesn’t appear to take any action to avoid contact but also doesn’t seem to speed up either.

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Nevertheless, contact happens and the camera car is forced to the left. Instead of panicking, the driver simply bites her lip, steers back to the right, and maintains pressure on the wheel. The Suburban swerves back right, the cars come apart from one another, the dashcam car driver manages her own swerving and the Suburban fishtails and then spins clockwise hard.

The dashcam car driver simply sorts out her own swerving, brakes hard, avoids a second collision, and then watches as the Chevrolet spins back into lane two. I could be wrong, but it looks almost as though she has a sly grin on her face as that happens.

Perhaps the driver could’ve avoided the entire incident had they simply slowed down sooner, allowed the person to cut them off, and then continued their merry way. The danger created by this sort of crash is unquestionable. Get this lady a badge and send her to Arkansas. She’d fit right in with the rest of the state police. 

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