Tales of Wedding Rings – 12 (Fin) – Upping Their Game

Satou and his wives return to the ruins of Idanokan to find a battle between the imperial and the Abyss King’s armies. Nobody can put a scratch on the Abyss King himself, but after everyone wishes him good luck, Satou jumps into the battle, his five rings combine into one, and he disperses the Abyss King’s forces in one great explosion of light.

However, this attack is not quite enough to destroy the Abyss King. It merely wounds him, and Satou is completely out of juice, unable to lift a finger. The King prepares to kill Satou, but his wives leap in to protect him. Granart and Amber fight valiantly, but when the Abyss King re-summons his forces, they are woefully outnumbered. Satou tries to get his second wind, but passes out entirely.

After a series of flashbacks and dream sequences, Satou comes to on the back of a giant flying bird. Turns out Alabaster, with help from his former elven lover Smaragdi, were able to snatch him and his wives away from the Abyss King. Alabaster thanks Satou for wounding the Abyss King and sending his army into retreat for the time being.

Back home in Hime’s kingdom, Alabaster admits that there has been no record of the dark rings the Abyss King now wears, and that the only solution to defeating him once and for all is for the Ring King and his wives to gain even more power and fight as a unit. This will require them to “strengthen their bonds”, hence the arrival of the end credits scene of the wives sprawled across the bed in lingerie (though nothing happens).

In addition to growing closer to Satou, Hime will need more magical training so she can fight beside him. That’s where Hime’s powerful mage of a little sister, Morion Ravri Nokanakita, comes in, out of nowhere, just after Hime first mentions she even had a little sister she hasn’t seen in years. Need(akitta)less to say, this is not a true finale, but merely a stopping point for an confirmed second season.

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