DBKL imposes new traffic compound rates from July 1

DBKL imposes new traffic compound rates from July 1


Coming into force on July 1 are new traffic compound rates from DBKL (Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur). Coming under the Road Transport Act 1987 and subsidiary legislation, the new compound rates will have a sliding scale applied for payment.

In a statement, DBKL will impose a compound rate of RM30 if payment is made within one to 15 days. This goes up to RM50 for payment between 16 and 30 days, and RM80 for settlement between 31 to 60 days after the compound was issued.

A similar scale is applied to cars, with RM50 payment applicable between one to 15 days. For payment made between 16 to 30 days, the compound payment is RM80 while payment between 31 to 60 days attracts a RM100 penalty.

Heavy vehicles will be penalised RM200 for payment made within one to 15 days. Thereafter the compound is RM250 for payment made between 16 to 30 days while settlement for compounds paid between 31 to 60 days is RM300.

The post DBKL imposes new traffic compound rates from July 1 appeared first on Paul Tan's Automotive News.

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