Watch This BMW Tailgater Eat Curb In Glorious Karma

  • A rowdy BMW driver tried to bully another motorist only to receive instant karma.
  • As a lane opens up for the Bimmer, the driver struggles to manage power, fishtails, and crashes.
  • It’s a great reminder that being a respectful motorist is always best practice for everyone involved.

Getting from point A to point B isn’t always fun but an enjoyable driving machine helps. At the same time, having the right attitude from behind the wheel makes all the difference. For one driver in a BMW sports sedan, running out of patience and driving skills led to a single-vehicle accident. It’s the best possible outcome for a driver who certainly needs a lesson in proper road etiquette.

The short 34-second clip shows the rearward view from a car in lane one of a two-lane divided highway. As they make a curve a blue BMW sports sedan pulls up behind them driving far quicker than any other vehicle in the frame. Once up behind the camera vehicle, they tailgate the car and turn on their hazards.

See: Impatient Tailgating Pickup Driver Gets What He Deserves

Both the camera car and BMW turn left at a roundabout with all of the lane-two traffic. The Bimmer sees a gap in traffic in the slow lane and appears to goose the throttle in a bid to overtake the camera car. Instead of successfully putting that power to the ground, it seems as though the rear tires light up and the tail slides hard to the right.

They correct but do so a bit too much and now the rear goes hard left. Moments later they smack the rear of the car into the curb.

In fact, they hit it so hard that the back of the BMW jumped at least a foot into the air. The driver immediately goes from trying to overtake everyone to having to pull over. Their attempt at going faster ended with them getting to their destination much slower.

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It’s worth noting that for all we know, the BMW driver might have been on a heroic mission to rush someone to the hospital for a medical emergency. Maybe there was some earth-shattering reason for trying to get around the car so quickly. Nevertheless, having the skills to accurately and effectively navigate lanes is a key facet to effectively accomplish that goal. 

Image Credit: NinjaWK

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