VTuber Legend – 04 – #BeginnerItasha

Thanks to her monetization, Awa is finally able to buy a “Long Fit” a kind of all-in-one fitness device. Naturally, she streams her first use of the device (though not the unboxing, which is more Chami’s thing). While Hikari breezes through the highest difficulty level, both Awa and Shion struggle due to their not being naturally athletic. Their listeners applaud all of the easy-to-misinterpret-on-purpose, borderline lewd sounds they make as a result of that struggle.

When Awa transitions to Shuwa-chan via StroZero injection, she browses her fellow Live-On VTubers, starting with Utsuki Sei ranking her favorite eroge and ending with Asagiri Hareru blowing Awa away with how charismatic and entertaining she is. When Hareru notices Awa is watching her, she reveals Awa and Shuwa cards for the game she’s playing. Awa is touched by how much thought went into them.

That warm feeling of Live-On belonging continues the next day as Awa meets Mashiron and Hikari IRL for the first time, after a very strange drive to the studio by an eccentric Live-On “staff member” who looks far too young to have a drivers license. Awa and the other two VTubers laugh about how strange it is to meet in person when they already know each other so well from online.

The reason they’re all at the studio is to record their parts for a promotional music video. It’s here where Awa learns that the mystery kei car-driving staff member was Live-On’s ace Asagiri Hareru all along. Awa loves Hareru, so realizing she was on a “drive date” with her and then gets to share a recording booth puts her firmly on cloud nine. The resulting music video is a big hit, and also heralds the impending reveal of the fourth-gen of Live-On VTubers. Awa is excited to be a senpai!

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