Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san (Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian) – 05

So is Roshidere just systematically copying every ED cover Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san did first?

Yeah, that was pretty bad. If this had been the first or second episode I wouldn’t have made it past the A-part – that’s how much I hated it. At this point the series had (just) enough goodwill banked for me to soldier through that and hope things improved. Which they did somewhat, although at that point there was really only one direction to go. But another stumble like that and it’s going to be hard to convince myself to stick around.

In point of fact we’ve now had two of these half-whiff eps in a row, though last week’s A-part was not bad on this level. I knew Yuki was trouble from the first time we met her – I said so at the time. And that really came home to roost here. Tropes were already a weakness with Roshidere, so combining a huge dose of them with Yuki at her most obnoxious was a disaster. That whole sequence was awful – painfully unfunny, crude, and generally distasteful. I’d say “forgettable” but that would be an upgrade – I’d love to forget it.

The rest was better if for no other reason that it had almost no Yuki and some (though not enough) Masha. Indeed I was worried Alya was going to slap Masachika for daring to have slept the night before (he basically invited it) but we were spared that at least. Sarashina-san (the kendo genius VP teased last week) was introduced, and certainly didn’t make a great first impression. I don’t get the sense that she’s hugely important though, so probably not that big a deal.

I could go either way at this point, but next week will tell us a lot. We’re going to see the student council with all the main cast present, and whether they dynamic is in any way successful may tell the tale of whether I feel like sticking around. Things could get very interesting if Masha decides to get more assertive vis a vis Masachika, or if the whole truth of their childhood friendship comes out. That’s probably not going to happen though (at least not soon) so I’ll have to find something else to hold my interest.

Roshidere, Anime, Masha


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