Lambcast #743 Alien: Romulus

Seven films into the “Alien” Franchise (excluding the AVP Crossovers), Ridley Scott turns the reins over to Fede Alverez, to try and revive the series. Has he succeeded? The box office and Rotten Tomatoes seem to say yes, but our community may have some different standards and you will certainly want to hear from this group of critics/fans.

Horror is the ecosphere that Lisa Leaheey and Damien Riley live in. Heather Baxendale Walsh is no stranger to the genre either as her devotion to Buffy the Vampire Slayer proves. So how did this group of authorities feel? It is a mixed bag and there is a divergence of opinions on what works and what doesn’t in the film.

Do you like your “Alien” film to be an action film, a horror movie, a remake or a ripoff? This group dissects the film and it’s ancestors to tell you what you have to look forward to. This may be a museum of Alien history. or it could be the plundered graveyard of a sacred legacy. Come listen, and you can decide.


Opening Thoughts   3:20

Spoiler Wall Comes Down   29:42

Ticking Clock   46:45

Ending Opinion   1:04;30

Exit Question   1:11:40

Lisa   Rabbit Hole Podcasts

Heather   Heather Baxendale Site 

Damien   Riley Central

Richard   KAMAD  

The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:

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