Is Snow Fairy Shampoo Going to Make My Hair Like Straw?

Lush Snow Fairy is really Snow Fairying for Holiday 2024! There’s not only a new Lush Snow Fairy Shampoo but Snow Fairy Dusting Powder, Snow Fairy Soup, Snow Fairy Body Lotion, Snow Fairy Body Scrub, Snow Fairy Milkshake Shower Gel, and so many other Snow Fairy products my head is about to explode. I hate to admit this but I probably purchased my first Snow Fairy product 20 plus years ago when Lush was still doing mail order from their little newspaper catalogs. I’ve been a fan ever after. It’s one of the sweetest, pinkiest, and prettiest scents out there. It smells like pink bubblegum, sweet candy, with some fruity element. It’s a gourmand lovers dream.

This year Lush is pushing it hard and they pretty much scented everything and anything with Snow Fairy. Some may say they are going a little too crazy with this collection as they have a variety of Snow Fairy formulas now that include glitter, glitter-free, and different shades. I do LOVE they released a glitter and glitter-free shower gel formula. I’m not a big fan of the glitter one and I love they brought back the glitter-free formula. It’s nice having both options available! Another interesting item that caught my eye and of course, like the sucker I am, purchase is Lush Snow Fairy Shampoo.

Here’s what this makes me a sucker.

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