Tiktok went dark on Sunday for a few hours and it was chaotic. I was thinking if aliens landed right now would we have the same amount of drama and chaos as we did without having Tiktok for a few short hours? During the pandemonium Tiktokers took to a new trend before the shut down where they confessed some of their deepest, darkest influencer secrets. A lot of interesting confessions were made and we the viewer were left scratching our heads wondering if they were true or just made in jest?
One of the influencers who hopped on this trend is the legendary Meredith Duxbury better known as the girl who uses ten pumps or more of foundation on her. I’m all about freedom of makeup use. You do you. If you want to wear hot pink eyeshadow I support you, if you want to wear purple lipstick I’m here for that too, and if you want to use ten pounds of foundation, well, I’m trying to support you but may judge a little but silently. No but seriously, however you do your makeup is unique to you and not me or anyone else should judge you for it or question your method. Makeup is fun and meant to be enjoyed. There are no rules. I admit I’ve always wondered if Meredith actually USES that much foundation though because it’s a lot.