Josh Stewart Answers the Phone in ‘Lifeline’ Paranormal Thriller Trailer

Lifeline Trailer

“Can we push back this deadline that you’ve set?” Dark Sky Films has revealed an official trailer for indie thriller Lifeline, from director Feras Alfuqaha. Yet another hotline thriller focusing on a person answering a phone – this night he receives an odd, paranormal call. There have been a few of these recently – including The Guilty with Jake Gyllenhaal or Tessa Thompson’s The Listener. In Lifeline, a suicide hotline operator gets a late-night call from someone who claims to be him, knowing private details only he would know, and threatening to end his life in an hour. The operator must race against time to stop “himself” from suicide. Josh Stewart stars as Steven Thomas, along with August Maturo, Charlene Amoia, Jocelyn Ayanna, Nicole Santiago, Jill Awbrey, & Brecken Merrill. This also reminds me of the film Frequency (2000) about a father and son connecting across time through the phone. Lifeline looks much better than it sounds. // Continue Reading ›

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