My Happy Marriage – 20 – Hotel Imperial

Kiyoka and Miyo enjoy a quiet New Year’s Eve together as it snows outside (just as it did around these parts today) and kiss for the second time. Meanwhile Arata skulks about the library, leaving us to continue to wonder whether Usui managed to seduce him into joining Gifted Communion and betraying our happy couple. As if Miyo hasn’t suffered enough in her life!

Miyo joins Kiyoka on a trip into the city for their first shrine visit, which is actually her first first shrine visit. Miyo tries to make the most of her prayer, which only asks that she be allowed to stay by Kiyoka’s side. Kiyoka admits (while blushing) he also prayed to be with her forever. Unfortunately their walk through the market is spoiled by a Gifted Communion demonstration.

Miyo’s evening is then unsettled by her latest dream that sends her back into the past. Usui and Sumi resolve to support and protect one another, but Past Usui’s eyes meet Miyo’s just before she wakes up. Unlike last time, she tells Kiyoka about her dream right away, and hopes that Arata will be able to help interpret what it means. Kiyoka notes Arata hasn’t been around much lately.

Before Miyo knows it, Kiyoka has driven her to the Imperial Palace and we get a sumptuous visual tour of its expansive, stately, serene environs, from the cavernous entry hall to the giant zen garden. And I don’t think Miyo has ever looked cuter than when she’s soaking in her very own positively palatial 30′ x 30′ bedroom, complete with a screen painting of a sakura tree that reminds her of her mother.

Miyo is there to protect her from Gifted Communion and Usui, who is after both her and Prince Takaihito due to their unique and powerful abilities. Kiyoka is assigned to the prince as his personal guard, while Arata is to guard Miyo. I’d like to think all these shots of him brooding in dark corners (and insisting nothing is wrong during supper with Miyo, Yurie, and Hazuki) are just red herrings. This episode was mostly calm and peaceful, but there’s definitely a storm brewing.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

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