How Joker Got His Face Back After Cutting It Off in DC’s New 52 Relaunch
Joker has done some crazy things in comics, with his wildest act coming when his face was cut off, only for him to get it back in an unnatural way.
Cyclops’ Most Underrated Team Get Saturday Morning Cartoon Redesigns in "X-Factor: The Animated Series" Fanart
Cyclops is the go-to leader for more than a few X-Men-related teams, with a new set of fanart images giving his X-Factor team animated series designs!
Pokémon Already Settled Jessie & James’ Relationship
Jessie and James are an inseparable Pokemon duo made popular in the original anime series, yet in the manga, their relationship is a bit more serious!
Dragon Ball’s Future Trunks Looks More Badass Than Ever In Cool New Art
Future Trunks hails from a battle-ravaged time where he's constantly fighting for his life, with new fanart depicting him as the badass hero he is.
Nightwing’s New ‘Kingdom Come’ Red Suit Makes Him Batman’s Perfect Replacement
Nightwing doesn't change his iconic look often, but in a Kingdom Come prequel story, he gets an upgraded suit that looks more Batman-like than ever.
Thor Gets His Own Iron Man Armor in Jaw-Dropping Cosplay
Iron Man and Thor are powerful characters on their own, with a new set of cosplay images uniting the two to form the hybrid hero known as Iron Thor!
Rick Has One Thing That Makes Him Secretly Unique in The Entire Rick & Morty Multiverse
Rick Sanchez has done some incredible things as a mad scientist, with a single achievement separating him from the pack and proving how unique he is.
12 Cruelest Justice League Heroes in The History of The Team
The Justice League is a beacon of hope in the DC Universe, with some members being so cruel it's a wonder they were ever allowed on the roster at all.
Spider-Man vs Batman Action Figure Animation Is Smash Brothers Come to Life
Batman and Spider-Man have only crossed path a couple times in comics, with a new fan animation pitting them against one another just like Smash Bros!
Cyclops & Wolverine Cosplay Reunites X-Force’s Mutant Death Squad
X-Force is a team consisting of some of the most deadly mutants around, with a new cosplay image bringing Wolverine and Cyclops' comic looks to life!