10 Oscar Bait Movies That Are Awful From Start to Finish
Cats, Blonde, and Amelia are among the worst, entirely awful Oscar bait movies.
10 Worst Oscar-Winning Movies of All Time, Ranked
The Iron Lady, Army of the Dead, and Cavalcade are among the worst movies ever made to win Academy Awards.
10 Funniest Comedy Movie Running Gags, Ranked
Some of the all-time great running gags in cinema come from hilarious comedy movies like The Princess Bride and Airplane!
10 Best Historical Crime Movies, Ranked
From Catch Me If You Can to Dog Day Afternoon, these are the best and most riveting crime movies that deal with historical events.
10 Best Things to Do at FAN EXPO Canada 2024
FAN EXPO goes to Canada on the weekend of August 22, promising exciting panels with Bryce Dallas Howard, Sofia Boutella, and more.
10 A24 Movies That Are Perfect From Start to Finish
From Lady Bird to C'mon C'mon, these A24 movies are the closest thing the studio has come to perfection.
10 Best Gangster Comedies, Ranked
In Bruges, Some Like It Hot, and Snatch are among the best and funniest gangster comedy movies. .
10 Best Movies Over 90 Years Old, Ranked
From Frankenstein to All Quiet on the Western Front, these movies came out over 90 years ago and remain undisputed gems of cinema.
10 Best Latin American Horror Movies, Ranked
Horror is among the most popular movie genres, and Latin America has produced some incredible, atmospheric, and terrifying entries.
10 Canceled Marvel Movies
It feels like Marvel has a new movie very week, but there are just as many unrealized Marvel movies that will never see the light of day.