Author: HiT Guest Contributor


GOP Donors Ignore Movies at Their Peril

As is boldly apparent, progressives have captured and now maintain a near monopoly on the nation’s institutions. Media Sports News Academia NGOs Publishing The civil service Progressives own most of the major cultural levers, and their philosophy controls them. The recent election has engendered hope of a conservative claw back. The environment is target-rich, but …

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Sorry, ‘Die Hard’ Is NOT a Christmas Movie

My new web site boasts just one image and no content. For now. The subject, however, sparks endless social media debate each December. It started as a novel argument for friends and family who light-heartedly joked that “Die Hard,” the greatest action flick (or at least the most influential) of the previous century, is a …

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‘The Dark and the Wicked’ Offers Sly, Slow-Burn Chills

Dark and foreboding. That sounds clichéd, but it perfectly describes “The Dark and the Wicked.” This horror gem by director Bryan Bertino (“The Strangers” and “The Strangers: Prey at Night”) debuted at the Fantasia International Film Festival in August 2020. A few months later, it was put into distribution by RLJE Films. The film is …

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Why Chuck Norris’ ‘Delta Force’ Is Modern Hollywood Blasphemy

“What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?” – Norm Macdonald Picture a movie whose values are so transgressive to modern studio politics that a famous white actor is cast as an Arab terrorist, and it doesn’t even merit an …

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‘Jesus Thirsts’ Invites Deep Conversations on Faith

The film “Jesus Thirsts'” subtitle is, “The Miracle of the Eucharist.” The Eucharist, a sacred mystery that is meant to reinforce unity in Christian faith because the body of Christ is only one, forevermore, became a point of division nevertheless. People argued whether the bread and wine transubstantiates into the body and blood of Jesus …

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The Heartbreaking Tales Behind ‘The Longest Month’

For many Americans, Memorial Day marks the kickoff of summer—a time for barbecues and vacations. Originally established to honor Union Soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the Civil War, this day has, for some, lost its deeper significance, becoming just another day off. Should this attitude surprise us? Consider this: less than 1 percent of …

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The Powerful Lesson This ‘Reagan’ Actor Learned on Set

When I was offered the role of Ronald Reagan’s longtime confidant Edwin Meese in “Reagan,” playing opposite Dennis Quaid as the 40th president, I was excited. I asked our producer, Mark Joseph, if it would be all right if I reached out to Meese and he replied, “We can set that up.” I was pleasantly …

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Here’s Why We Can’t Forget Hollywood’s Pandemic Bailouts

Inflation is on its way up again, and it’s a top concern among voters in poll after poll. But it doesn’t require a survey to know Americans are stressed when their money continues to buy less. What should also capture our attention? The underlying causes. There are many, including the big-money pandemic relief programs that …

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Baste Records, Skistimas Bring Freedom Back to Rock

Brad Skistimas, AKA Five Times August, is a musician growing a niche fan base with songs including “God Help Us All,” “I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly,” and “Silent War.” His latest release is “Ain’t No Rock ‘n Roll” with Baste Records, a label celebrating its one-year anniversary this month. Conservative musicians often find it …

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