All 7 Horror Movies Nominated for the Best Picture Oscar, Ranked by Scariness
Only a few horror movies have received a nomination for Best Picture at the Oscars, with The Exorcist and Black Swan being some of the scariest.
All 40 Movies Directed by Clint Eastwood, Ranked
From Unforgiven to Juror #2, this is the definitive ranking of every movie directed by Oscar-winning legend Clint Eastwood.
10 Best Michelle Yeoh Martial Arts Movies, Ranked
Starting in the 1980s and continuing into the 2020s, Michelle Yeoh has starred in many great martial arts movies, like Wing Chun and Police Story 3.
15 Best So-Bad-They’re-Good Slasher Movies, Ranked
The slasher subgenre isn't the classiest one out there, meaning numerous movies, like Jason X and Psycho Cop, end up feeling so bad they're good.
10 Most Linear Action Movies, Ranked
Sometimes, it's best to keep things simple, as straightforward, no-nonsense, and linear action movies like The Raid and Mad Max: Fury Road show.
10 Best Stan Winston Movies, Ranked
Few special effects artists have made as big a mark on the film industry as Stan Winston, whose work appears in classics like Predator and The Thing.
10 Best B-Movies of the 1950s, Ranked
The 1950s was an amazing decade for B-movies and cult classics, as films like The Incredible Shrinking Man and House on Haunted Hill show.
10 Movie Stars Who’ve Never Been in a Best Picture Nominee
Some of the most popular movie stars of all time, like Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, have somehow never appeared in a Best Picture nominee.
50 Best War Movies of All Time, Ranked
From Wings to Saving Private Ryan to Dunkirk, this is Collider's ranking of the best war movies ever made.
10 Most Underrated Quotes from the Avengers Movies, Ranked
The Avengers are Earth's mightiest heroes, and might also be Earth's most quotable heroes, with four movies packed with funny and moving lines.