Author: Karen


Things I’ve Been Loving Lately

Summer tomatoes picked straight off the vine. Summer plums, especially when they’re soft, sweet and extra juicy. “The Supremes at Earl’s All-You-Can-Eat” movie on Hulu – excellent character development! Letting people be wrong while they’re driving bec...

First Day of Third Grade!

Big news around these parts—your niece aka my little Coywolf started third grade. Her first day was on Thursday, and I’m happy to report that she came home all smiles and excited about class and her new teacher. She’s already made a new friend and had ...

What Are Your Go-To Face/Base Products?

I’d love to hear your take on why you love your foundation, tinted moisturizer, powder, concealer, etc, because this gal needs to do some makeup shopping STAT. For the first time in months, I’ve felt the urge to wear makeup again, hooray! A little back...