Opinion – 2025’s Gas Crisis in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
The severing of gas pipeline flows between Russia and Ukraine occurs as Ukraine faces increasing pressure to negotiate an end to hostilities.
Review – Killers of the Flower Moon
This film is an evocative portrayal of indigenous strife in the early 20th century, and its genuineness and accuracy highlights its value for international relations.
Reflections on Namibia’s 2024 Elections
With opposition dislodging SWAPO from the two-thirds majority it held since 2014, President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah cannot appear weak in placating minorities.
Observing Moldova’s 2024 Presidential Election
Moldova is a country very much at a crossroads between Russia and the West, and President Sandu has the unenviable task of balancing those interests for the next four years.
‘Worse Than a Dictatorship’: Rwanda’s 2024 General Election
In polls that were immediately criticised for disqualifying genuine opposition, Rwanda's incumbent president Paul Kagame was ostentatiously elected for a fourth term.
Review – Navalny
This film provides an unfiltered view of Alexei Navalny as a Russian opposition leader, shedding important light on controversies and conspiracies in Russian politics.
Opinion – Reflecting on Hiroshima
The expansion of the worldwide peace movement is evidence of the continuing dialogue concerning "museums of war and peace" and Hiroshima/Nagasaki days are at the heart of that conceptualization.
Reflections on Mongolia’s 2024 Elections
With a reduced majority, the MPP must effectively balance power with their rivals.
Opinion – Türkiye’s 2024 Local Elections Challenge President Erdoğan
Türkiye demonstrates a popular desire for transformation among its citizens that could redefine the nation’s longer-term political trajectory.
Reflections on the Troubles and the IRA in ‘The Secret Army’
This recently uncovered 1970s film sparks discussion about the capacity of such material to be commissioned and for it to be produced, but then to vanish.