Gone Beachin’
We’re taking a break from normal operations for an extended weekend at the beach. Reviews will return either Sunday or Monday.—RABUJOI STAFF
Programming Note – Gone Campin’ (Again)
Aye, the lure of the wilderness beckons once more. We’re going camping for a few nights, though not in the California hinterlands this time; somewhere much closer to RABUJOI Global HQ! Even so, we won’t have reliable internet, so we won’t be watching or reviewing anything until we return next Wednesday. Here’s hoping, as Chiaki … Continue reading "Programming Note – Gone Campin’ (Again)"
Programming Note
Starting today and through next Friday it will be a bit quiet here … about as quiet as a campsite at dawn. That’s because we’ve been inspired by Yuru Camp to meet up with a childhood friend and go camping in the great outdoors. That means being as unplugged from devices as possible, so there will … Continue reading "Programming Note"
Your RABUJOI “Wake the F*** Up” Song of the Day: “Psychological Warfare”
It’s a slower track, but whenever I heard this in OverLord I knew some scheming was afoot, and that guitar rif is epic, so I can say without qualifications that this is a theme to wake up to and get some shit figured out!
Programming Note
We’ll be away from computers for most of the weekend, so all episode reviews will be delayed. —RABUJOI STAFF
Your RABUJOI “Wake the F*** Up” Song of the Day: “Kuusou Rumba”
From Otsuki Kenji and the Zetsubou Girls, a song that’s perfect for whether you’re cramming for an anatomy exam or flying through the air and need to be caught as stylishly as possible.
The Apothecary Diaries – 22 – Le Bleu en Rose
Maomao is actually having a blast back at the inner palace with Gyokuyou, her adorable daughter, and her ladies in waiting. But new unreasonable request from Lakan forces Jinshi to summon Maomao back to his office. He asks her if it would be possible to create blue roses in time for the emperor’s garden party. … Continue reading "The Apothecary Diaries – 22 – Le Bleu en Rose"
Your RABUJOI “Wake the F*** Up” Song of the Day: “LEveL”
One of the catchier themes of the winter, thanks to the collab of Sawano Hiroyuki and TOMORROW X TOGETHER. Get out there and pay the bills, the bills.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from RABUJOI
Warmth, love, togetherness, and generosity are the reasons for the season. We’ll be keeping those we love who are with us close today, and keeping those who aren’t in our hearts. From all of us here at RABUJOI we wish you the merriest of C...