Vote for the March Movie of the Month
Lambcast #762 Kind Hearts and Coronets -February MOTM
Lambcast #761 “Possession” (1981) MOTM
Vote for the February MOTM
Lambcast #760 Roll Your Own Top 5
Lambcast #759 Top Ten Lists -2024
Lambcast #758 Nosferatu (2024)
January MOTM Poll
We are starting the new year soon, and that means we need a new Movie of the Month for January. The choices are wide open and you can certainly find something you would like to talk about.
Howard Casner of “Pop Art” has submitted “The American Astronaut” from 2001 for what may be the third time. Persistence pays off if you want it to.

Dave Anderson of “Free Kittens Movie Guide” thinks the 1970s rule, so he knows you want to talk about William Fredkin’s underrated masterpiece “Sorcerer”.

Do you think Sam Rockwell is unique as an actor? If we choose “Moon” from 2009, you will get a chance to comment on that idea. Bubbawheat from “It’s Time to Rewind” thinks it is an experience worth replicating.

Finally, The Vern from “Cinema Recall” wants you to choose “Possession” from 1981, a film that looks exactly like a movie the Vern would like to discuss.

You have until January 19 to get in your votes. Also, there is room on the show if you are interested.