Author: Richard Kirkham


Vote for the October MOTM-Halloween Horror

There is a short window for the MOTM poll this October, in part because we are doing a Horror draft the next week and we want to get those episodes in before the actual day of Halloween.  As usual, the October MOTM is Horror related and we have quite a slate of films for you to choose from.

Matthew Simpson from the “Awesome Friday Podcast” has submitted the Sam Rami curse film from 2009, “Drag Me to Hell

Damien Riley from “Riley on Film” is itching to talk about and has already started campaigning…


Lambcast #747 “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” MOTM

A limited selection of MOTM suggestions resulted in an executive decision to go with three time runner up, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” as the September MOTM. No one was happier than the film’s frequent champion, James Wilson of “Blogging by Cinema Light”. James was chomping at the bit to discuss this classic film from 1939.

The year 1939 in film is widely considered the greatest year in film history. The ten films nominated for Best Picture at the 12th Academy Awards (which honored the best in film for…


Lambcast #746 Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice (2024)

September is often a dumping ground for films that the studios have no faith in, but that is not the case this week. It seems like Warner Brothers has deftly maneuvered a film they have great expectations for, into a spot with little competition and an audience anxious for a legacy sequel. The cash is rolling in and now so are the opinions. 

Our gaggle of guests this week include Emily Slade from the “Why This Film?” podcast. Emily does her best to find fault with the film, but she seems to waffle occasionally because there…


Lambcast #745 Roll Your Own Top Five

This week is a DIY project for the LAMBS. They are to assemble a top five list of any subject that they choose. So a Top Five List of anything movie related that they want to talk about: Stars, Films in a Genre, Taglines, Quotes, Posters, Songs, Scenes, it’s all up to the guests. What will they come up with?

Well, Thomas Stoneham-Judge of ForReel is about to cover the Toronto International Film Festival, so he figures out a way to build his list and promote his site at the same time. Very clever Thomas. The audience at the festival chooses…


The Winner of the 1984 Movie Draft

We have a winner in the poll for the best Slate of films from 1984, created on Lambcast Episode 742.

Congratulations to Aaron Neuwirth, from “Out Now with Aaron and Abe” and “The Code is Zeek”, who scratched out a victory in a tight race between 4 of the 6 competitors. One of the Lambs barely got out of the starting gate, and one never did. The other four were neck and neck for most of the polling period, although Aaron lead wire to wire. 


Clearly Aaron “Tapped” into the zeitgeist of the year. While some …


Lambcast #744 The Towering Inferno-August MOTM

Paul Newman and Steve McQueen head an all star cast in the granddaddy of all disaster films, “The Towering Inferno”. If this looks familiar to you, then you are a longtime LAMB, because we did cover it as a MOTM back in 2016. That episode is currently lost, so this is a chance to restore the film to it’s rightful place on the LAMB wall of fame. 

The world’s  tallest building is being dedicated with a party on the topmost floors, but far below, a fire breaks out and everyone and everything may be going up in smoke. Dave …


Lambcast #743 Alien: Romulus

Seven films into the “Alien” Franchise (excluding the AVP Crossovers), Ridley Scott turns the reins over to Fede Alverez, to try and revive the series. Has he succeeded? The box office and Rotten Tomatoes seem to say yes, but our community may have some different standards and you will certainly want to hear from this group of critics/fans.

Horror is the ecosphere that Lisa Leaheey and Damien Riley live in. Heather Baxendale Walsh is no stranger to the genre either as her devotion to Buffy the Vampire Slayer proves. So how …


The August MOTM is…

There was a short voting window, but we did get a pretty good turnout. Once again, the outcome was close, with the top two vote getters being separated by a miniscule number of ballots cast. Congratulations go to Dave Anderson of “Free Kittens Movie Guide”, for championing the 1974 disaster film “The Towering Inferno” to the winners circle. 

Dave will get to host the upcoming discussion of the film on the LAMBcast episode next week.


Our thanks to Jeanette Ward, James Wilson and Howard Casner for submitting films…


Vote for the August MOTM

A late start on this poll but the MOTM show is the last Sunday of the month, so we should have time to get plenty of voting in.

Jeanette Ward had a vision several months ago and she is now suggesting the 1986 Thriller “FX” starring Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy. 


Howard Casner is changing it up this month, giving up on his dreams of space and reverting to classic Hollywood, with the comedy/drama/romance from 1937, “Nothing Sacred”.

Nothing Sacred

In the spirit of fighting against the odds, James Wilson re-submits…


Vote for the 1984 Draft Slates

The LAMBcast had a draft of 1984 films recently and you get to pass judgement on the selections. It was a great year for movies 40 years ago, and we found six LAMBs willing to throw down with their choices. It’s your turn to chime in and let us know which 1984 film slate best satisfies your film dreams. The poll will be up until the end of August. The winner will be announced then. The only prize is pride. 

Aaron Neuwirth

Howard Casner

Damien Riley

The Vern

Todd Liebenow

Richard Kirkham

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