30 Most Powerful Marvel Comics Characters Right Now (Ranked Weakest to Strongest)
Here are the 30 gods, mutants, sorcerers and robots that currently hold the top spot when it comes to power in the Marvel Universe.
Star Wars: Qui-Gon Jinn’s Return Introduces the Villain Who Made Palpatine’s Reign Possible
Set before the Clone Wars, Star Wars: Jedi Knights introduces a mysterious enemy of Qui-Gon Jinn whose deadly campaign transforms the Jedi Order.
Marvel Officially Reboots Spider-Man’s Sinister Six, Finally Achieving an MCU-Worthy Roster
Marvel debuts a shocking new take on Spider-Man's Sinister Six. This isn't just a new roster, it's a radical new take on the idea perfect for the MCU.
X-Men’s 6 Most Powerful Mutants Who Officially Qualify as ‘Beyond Omega Level’
X-Men's most powerful mutants are termed 'Omega-level,' but there IS a category beyond even that - one precious few heroes have achieved.
"An Entire Planet, All Gone": Green Lantern Lore Changes Forever, as the Blue Lanterns’ Final Fate Is Revealed
The Blue Lantern Corps are essential Green Lantern allies, but a devastating attack just took them permanently out of the picture.
New Ghost Rider – Shock Avengers Villain Gets Fiery Redesign as the New Spirit of Vengeance
A former Avengers villain and Infinity Stone wielder has been announced as Marvel's new Ghost Rider, taking over from the original.
Yoda’s Master Had a Force Weapon Deadlier Than a Lightsaber
When Luke Skywalker fought Yoda's former master, even his lightsaber couldn't match the deadly Stonepower knives - a weapon the Jedi can't control.
15 Funniest Far Side Comics That Perfectly Capture Gary Larson’s Sense of Humor
The Far Side's Gary Larson has a truly unique sense of humor - with each of these 15 comics embodying one of his funniest obsessions.
New Far Side Comic Would Never Have Made It Past Gary Larson’s Original Censors
The Far Side's Gary Larson just released a new Christmas comic strip - however, its subject matter would have been banned when the franchise started.
Marvel’s New Spider-Man is Officially Removing Peter Parker’s Biggest Weakness
As X-Men's Nightcrawler becomes the new Uncanny Spider-Man, he's using his mutant powers to make Peter Parker's biggest weakness obsolete.