What’s In My Travel Bag?
A quick little beauty post to break up the contact lens content. I mean, I’m verging on becoming an eye blogger at this point. There are two or three posts on laser eye surgery to come yet and who knows what eye-related things I’ll find to write about after that? Sunglasses? Lash growth serums? I’m […]
The post What’s In My Travel Bag? appeared first on Ruth Crilly.
Contact Lens Update: Ocular Sabotage
I know you’ve all been waiting for contact lens news with bated breath so here’s my update: I went for my second lesson and didn’t do too badly. I have to say that at one point it did feel as though I was in a weird version of the Hunger Games, especially when I was […]
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Skylark Treehouses Review: The Mind/Soul Reset
This week I did something that felt possibly a bit batshit crazy and stayed, on my own, in a treehouse in the woods. I know. The person who gets spooked in her own garden. It is testament to just how desperately I needed to remove myself from all noise and distraction (impending deadline that I […]
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I Ordered Plants from Hortology: Here Are My Thoughts
I’ve been meaning to add to my collection of cacti for a while now. I have two big window ledges at the front of the room known lovingly as the “Oil Baron’s Sunken Lounge” and though one of them was filled with a row of the cacti I’ve been lovingly killing since 2007, pictured above, […]
The post I Ordered Plants from Hortology: Here Are My Thoughts appeared first on Ruth Crilly.
OK, this is how it works: as I potter along doing my beauty research stuff, testing everything in the world from eyewateringly expensive face creams to the cheapest brow gels, I make note of any brilliant bargain beauty finds I come across. Until I have five of them listed: and then I make a video. […]
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Gifts for Famous Fathers | AD
Father’s Day is just around the corner (Sunday June 18th, to save you having to Google!) and this year Boots are celebrating all the different types of dads and father figures with their Love for All Dads campaign. They have a huge selection of Father’s Day Gifts available online at boots.com and to show you some of the wide […]
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How Not To Try Contact Lenses
I had my first contact lens “lesson” last week and to say it went badly would be a huge understatement. To be quite honest with you, I don’t know why any part of me thinks that I’ll ever be successful with a procedure that involves precision, dexterity and being OK with repeatedly touching your own […]
The post How Not To Try Contact Lenses appeared first on Ruth Crilly.
5 Top Supermarket Beauty Buys
I went to a lovely beauty dinner organised by Sainsbury’s and it reminded that I was, at one point, doing some sort of supermarket beauty series. I can’t remember the title of this particular series but I’m sure it would have utilised a pun, because I can’t resist them, or there would have been some […]
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Current Makeup Routine: Spring 2023
Arriving in London with a makeup bag that had apparently been packed by a drunk baboon forced me to be a bit creative with my products. I honestly have no idea how I ended up with four bronzers and two foundations but absolutely no brow stuff, no lipstick and only one (quite dark and punchy) […]
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