Star Trek: Chief O’Brien’s “Redemption” Arc Also Turns Him into a Franchise Bad-Ass
Chief O'Brien has a new mission in the Star Trek universe, and not only is it redeeming him for past actions, but making him into a franchise badass.
Star Trek Just Turned Iconic Klingon Worf into a Romulan
As Worf's undercover mission in the Romulan Empire continues, he has been forced to live out his worst nightmare: becoming a Romulan himself.
Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special is a Joyous Love Letter to The DC Comics of The 1990s
DC's new Zero Hour: Crisis in Time 30th Anniversary Special takes readers back to the 1990s in a joyous love letter to the decade.
“I Finally Found You”: Star Trek’s Beverly & Wesley Crusher Reunion Is a Tragic Twist for Wil Wheaton’s Character
Doctor Crusher has at long last been reunited with her son Wesley, but it is far from a joyous occasion, as she learns his heartbreaking life story.
Doctor Who’s New Big Bad Is Already the Franchise’s Most Nightmarish Villain
The Doctor has faced some terrifying monsters in their day, and now they find themselves face to face with perhaps the scariest one yet.
DC’s Main Green Lantern Doesn’t Need to Be Human, & This Awesome Cosplay Proves It
Although DC primarily focuses on human Green Lanterns, an epic new cosplay makes a great case for a book showcasing an alien member of the Corps.
Calvin & Hobbes Combines with DC’s Shazam in Adorable Bill Watterson Tribute
Acclaimed artist Kerry Callen has created the perfect tribute to Bill Watterson by combining his iconic Calvin and Hobbes with Shazam.
New Sandman Lore Revelation Confirms the 1 DC Hero Older Than the Endless
The Dreaming, home to the Sandman, is seen as one of DC's oldest realms, but now it has been revealed that another magical realm is much older.
Data Just Left Starfleet, Setting Up Star Trek’s Next Great Mystery
Data has done the unthinkable and resigned from Starfleet, although his departure may signal the beginning of the next big Star Trek mystery.
Michael Keaton’s Batman is Using The ‘Robin’ Concept in The Smartest Way Possible
In a preview for Batman '89: Echoes #2, Michael Keaton's Batman, while investigating Firefly, finds the smartest use yet for the Robin concept.